Data Driven Testing

Data Driven Testing

Let the Data Do All Your Testing

Data Driven Testing is a useful testing approach if you need to rapidly and efficiently design test cases in multiple variations with different sets of input data and expected results. Use TestBench's Data Driven Testing extension as the hub to control manual or automated Data Driven testing.

It's all about Data

What is Data Driven Testing?

The concept of Data Driven Testing – also called table-driven testing – is about separating the test data from the test steps. Without Data Driven Testing, the test steps typically contain every value necessary to be run. Data Driven Testing uses placeholders for the values, which can be varied to define different test cases. For the test execution, the placeholders are replaced by specific values provided in data tables that may also include the expected results.







Keep Data and Logic separated

Benefits of Data Driven Testing

Often there are multiple data sets for a sequence of test steps. But creating individual test cases for each set of data is time-consuming and inefficient. Data Driven Testing overcomes that issue.

You can rapidly define a large volume of test cases, especially if they only differ in detail. Data Driven Testing provides a reusable test logic separated from test data. That makes it easy to maintain your test cases. Additionally, you can comfortably reach proper test coverage. Changes either in the test logic or the test data will not affect the other, making modifying a breeze. Data Driven Testing also reduces the risk of unnecessary duplicates and redundancy of test cases and automated test scripts.

Your questions - our answers

Do you have questions about Data Driven Testing or are you looking for support in optimizing your testing processes? Our experts will be happy to help you. Contact us and we will help you to design your test strategies efficiently and successfully